
    UWMH focuses on Research and Innovation activities undertaken within the framework of National and European Research and Development projects and find their way into practice through the provision of consultancy services



    DURATION: 06.03.2020 to 05.08.2021

    BUDGET: 134,932.00€



    ARTENET is a Service contract project for the provision of a feasibility study on Artificial Intelligence for Energy and Environmental management funded by European Defense Agency under the procurement procedure 19.RTI.OP.373 Artificial Intellingence for Energy and Environmental technologies.
    ARTENET explores the potential of Artificial Intelligence in improving energy and environmental resources management. The aim of the project is to evaluate and champion innovative and transformational AI solutions that challenge embedded thinking and practices around energy and environmental considerations management. ARTENET gathers and classifies available AI techniques based on their applicability and relevance to energy and environmental management. The ability of these AI techniques to “solve” specific problems, for example of resource allocation, are tested, based on selected benchmark case studies demonstrating AI’s potential impact in energy and environmental management.

    Project’s OBJECTIVES

    The EU has recognized that climate change and energy insecurity are real threats that endanger its people and territory (EU Global Strategy, June 2016) and has decided to implement an action plan (EU Green Deal, January 2020) with an ultimate goal to become climate neutral by 2050. Climate change and environmental issues are both a direct threat and a risk multiplier for the defence sector who will have to adapt its operations to a changing environment while responding to climate related impacts, such as violent conflicts over scarce environmental resources and humanitarian crises. This notion has been underlined by the EU Council (June 2019) which is moving towards the creation of a joint action plan on climate change and defence, proposing actions that address the climate-security nexus and are part of Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), capability development, multilateralism and partnerships (June 2020). The European Defence Agency (EDA) acting as a catalyst, has already identified the necessity to adapt to this new set of conditions and has established several mechanisms to explore and propose the way ahead. Artenet started in March 2020 and its key aim is to identify how Artificial Inteligence can improve energy and environmental (EnE) performance in the defence and security sector.

    Project’s RESULTS

    The project has delivered three main components:

    • The assessment of AI relevance to EnE which identifies, evaluates and classifies available AI techniques based on their applicability and their relevance to energy and environmental performance across military domains
    • The knowledge base that houses the assessment results as well as all AI reviewed techniques in a web based environment and
    • Roadmaps that include a plan for deployment of AI EnE applications with detailed timelines. Moreover, three use cases have been developed as demonstrators for AI applications in EnE for defence.



    + 30 210 7722828-2886

    NTUA Campus, Heroon Polytechneiou str. 9, 15780, Zographou, Athens Greece, Hydraulics Building