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    Highlights from the Annual UWMH Group Meeting at NTUA!

    Highlights from the Annual UWMH Group Meeting at NTUA!

    The Urban Water Management and Hydroinformatics (UWMH) Group, successfully held its Annual Meeting on September 27, 2024, at the National Technical University of Athens!
    The UWMH team came together to present and discuss innovative and state-of-the-art tools, research products, and transferable methods in the fields of smart and resilient water and water-energy infrastructure, source-to-tap urban water and ecosystem services management, uncertainty-aware extreme events (floods and droughts) risk management, water in the circular economy, and hydroinformatics tools and services. Beyond showcasing how these tools are currently applied, the meeting focused on how these innovations are being upgraded and continuously adapted to meet the evolving needs of urban environments.
    Key Discussions:

    • How can hydroinformatics tools and services be improved for strategic, tactical, and operational management of critical water and water-energy systems?
    • Upgrading versatile digital twin products for data-driven decision-making for complex water systems, physical solutions, and environmental problems
    • Optimizing research methods and integrating modeling solutions to enhance the selection, design, implementation, and performance assessment/monitoring of alternative water resources, distributed interventions, and Nature-Based Solutions
    • Ensuring transferable methods are flexible and scalable across different regions and projects

    The team not only examined the current successes of these tools but also explored strategic directions for further development. Discussions centered on how to make these tools more efficient, adaptable to future challenges, and better suited for the smart cities of tomorrow.



    + 30 210 7722828-2886

    NTUA Campus, Heroon Polytechneiou str. 9, 15780, Zographou, Athens Greece, Hydraulics Building