Our latest news

    Cooling Havens: Water-Powered Neighborhood Cooling and Engagement Stations

    Cooling Havens: Water-Powered Neighborhood Cooling and Engagement Stations

    We are excited to announce the new project “Cooling Havens: Water-Powered Neighborhood Cooling and Engagement Stations” under the 2nd EUI-IA Call for Proposals! 

    With an ERDF Budget of €6,248,416.80, this initiative aims to address the escalating climate crisis challenges in Athens city, such as extreme urban heat and periodic floods.

    UWMH participates in a strong partnership coordinated by the Municipality of Athens.

    Athens faces severe issues due to the lack of water elements and water-sensitive urban design solutions, with 80% of its urban area consisting of impermeable surfaces. COOLING HAVENS will install a series of water-powered public interventions, creating new blue and green infrastructure in the city. These interventions will act as natural cooling agents and serve as community engagement and educational platforms, raising awareness for water conservation and reconnecting water to community life and history. The project focuses on reintegrating water into urban spaces, making it a key feature of public areas and incorporating a water-centric ethos into the city’s urban planning and lifestyle.

    Stay tuned for more updates as we embark on this transformative journey to make Athens a cooler, greener, and more sustainable city!


    + 30 210 7722828-2886

    NTUA Campus, Heroon Polytechneiou str. 9, 15780, Zographou, Athens Greece, Hydraulics Building